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“银河集团186net文献”Overexpression of Helicobacter pylori VacA N-terminal fragment induces proinflammatory cytokine expression and apoptosis in human monocytic cell line through activation of NF-κB 2024/8/15 9:14:15
“银河集团186net文献”MiR-124 contributes to M2 polarization of microglia and confers brain inflammatory protection via the C/EBP-α pathway in intracerebral hemorrhage 2024/7/11 16:29:21
“银河集团186net文献”Influences of Selenium-Enriched Yeast on Growth Performance, Immune Function, and Antioxidant Capacity in Weaned Pigs Exposure to Oxidative Stress 2024/7/11 16:28:20
“银河集团186net文献”5-HMF induces anaphylactoid reactions in vivo and in vitro 2024/7/11 16:27:11
“银河集团186net文献”Effect of Chishao Chengqi Decoction on Endotoxin and TNF-r in Patients with Severe Hepatic Diseases 2024/7/11 16:05:29
“银河集团186net文献”Effect of levocetirizine hydrochloride on the growth of human dermal papilla cells: a preliminary study 2024/7/11 16:01:30
“银河集团186net文献”Immunological response triggered by metallic 3D printing powders 2024/7/11 16:00:23
“银河集团186net文献”Effects of dietary inulin supplementation on growth performance, intestinal barrier integrity and microbial populations in weaned pigs 2024/7/11 15:56:57
“银河集团186net文献”Ub Combination Enhanced Cellular Immune Response Elicited by HSP65 DNA Vaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2024/7/11 15:55:13
“银河集团186net文献”Reduced thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor and enhanced proinflammatory cytokines in acute coronary syndromeReducción del inhibidor de la fibrinólisis activado por trombina y aumento de las citocinas proinflamatorias en pacientes son síndrome coronario agudo 2024/7/11 15:53:26
“银河集团186net文献”Serum apolipoprotein C3 levels are negatively associated with hepatitis B virus DNA in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients 2024/7/11 15:06:40
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